Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Reduce Your Stress...

So I'm reading through the posts of my Reader. I just started following So You Want to Teach yesterday. I haven't really gotten the feel for it yet, but the first post I read made me laugh out loud although I am pretty sure that was not it's intention.

This portion especially:

...there are a couple of things that we can do to help lower the stress in our lives.

  1. Find a source of stress and beat it into submission
  2. Resolve to ignore the problem

I know, I know. This is supposed to be serious. And to be honest, it is good advice. You can't get accomplish much if you have unfinished projects floating around.

But do you know what popped into my head when I read #1? Little Sally* who sits in my second hour. She is the rudest human being I have ever come across. And she can't even be rude without cussing. And she is loud about it.

Beat it into submission...

And if that doesn't work, Resolve to ignore the problem...

I guess I can dream...

*Of course that's not her real name.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Working My Way Back

The thing is, I have been struggling this year. Every time I go to write about it, I just feel like I am complaining. I hate that feeling. I don't want to complain. I don't want to hate my job. I also don't want YOU to think I hate my job.

Truth is, I don't think I am doing it right. I don't feel like my kids are engaged or even remotely interested in what I have to teach them. What's more, I don't feel motivated to make it interesting to them.

How do I make them want to be here?

How do I make them see the beauty of the world around them?

I want them to be involved in their own education. I want (need) to set up a classroom where everyone is successful.

I am trying a few new things this year. Some have been good. Some I love, but the kids hate (too bad). Some I just don't feel like I am going in the right direction.

So here's my plan. Every day is a reflection. This is where it will happen. If I have to rant, so be it. At least I can see where the source of my problems lie. With any luck, it will take a turn for the positive and be a place for me to get back to loving my job.