Thursday, August 12, 2010

Geology Targets

Well, it took me awhile, but I finally got everything moved upstairs. I still have two lab stations that are buried underneath homeless STUFF, but I am feeling much better about this.

I actually have to go back to school tomorrow. Thank goodness it is a workday and I can get settled in. During the summer, I didn't really feel like time was going fast, but now suddenly it's time to go back and I don't know where my vacation went.

Oh wait, I took a class and moved my STUFF.

I have focused mostly on chemistry this summer and almost forgot that I was going to teach a section of Geology this fall. I had written out a draft of targets for that class earlier in the summer that mostly consisted of chapter objectives in three different textbooks. It was a starting place, but I set about coming up with my critical targets.

I ended up with 67 standards.

This was so unmanageable that it was almost funny. Teaching a geology class can take kids in many different directions. Do you want to focus on historical? What about river systems? Glaciers? Deserts? Volcanoes? To be honest, I am not sure which direction I want to go. This will be (and has been) a big challenge for me when writing the class.

So I have narrowed it down. I am not sure I am happy with this list, but I will focus on these targets this year and edit as necessary.

1. Interpret elevation and topography of an area using topographic maps.
2. Interpret information shown in a geologic map.
3. Use seven main physical properties to identify pure minerals and minerals within a rock.
4. Summarize the rock cycle.
5. Describe the formation of the various textures of igneous rocks.
6. Identify and describe the formation of various types of igneous extrusions.
7. Classify igneous rocks.
8. Classify sedimentary rocks.
9. Describe the depositional environment based on the characteristics of a sedimentary rock.
10. Classify metamorphic rocks.
11. Identify the three agents of metamorphism and the changes they cause.
12. Compare and contrast contact and regional metamorphism.
13. Describe the process and limitations of radiometric dating.
14. Determine the relative ages of rock formations.
15. Compare the three types of unconformities.
16. Identify the major geologic and biologic characteristics of the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.
17. Identify and describe the three types of plate boundaries.
18. Describe the causes of plate movement.
19. Describe the three main types of folds.
20. Compare the structures formed at the three types of plate boundaries.
21. Use earthquake data to construct an Earth cross-section.
22. Relate earthquakes, volcanoes and plate boundaries.
23. Describe the three types of volcanic cones.
24. Explain how rock composition, surface area, climate and topography affect the rate of weathering.

Did I miss anything critical?

1 comment:

  1. Geology is not just about memorizing ideas! But you already know that!
    I would add, "tell the story of the formation of the Earth and Moon" and something about interpreting an actual geologic feature.
    Go outside and look at a local landform. Draw what you see. Tell its story. Find some things to measure and test.
    It looks like your class is focusing on these three reasons for learning about geology: geologic time is mindbogglingly long, the theory of plate tectonics changed everything, and everything in our daily lives, that is not from a plant, has been mined. Neat!
    ~kate rosok
